Job Opening for Bilingual Full Time Office Staff

We are looking for a bilingual full time office staff to join in our dynamic IHS service team with competitive pay and great health benefits. Work Location: Chinatown Office. Job Nature: Full time hourly. Pay Rate: From $19.00 per hour. Job Requirements: • High school or equivalent (Required). • Work Experience is a priority. Brief […]


POSSIBILITY IN UNITY – XILIN ST. ANTHONY COMMUNITY CENTER LET’S JOIN HANDS To create a multi-functional center that benefits communities while preserving culture, history, and architecture! FUNDRAISING GALA Date: September 14th, Saturday Time: 5:00 pm – 10:30 pm Address: 518 W. 28th Place, Chicago, IL 60616 Raffle Ticket: $20 Admission: $150 Tel: 630.355.4322 Email: […]

Caregiver Job Opening

Xilin Association Caregiver Job Opening: Please click on the Title above for more details. Job Description: Follow instructions and perform activities assigned by his/her supervisor. Duties: 1. Follow the client’s Plan of Care; 2. Carry out duties assigned by the supervisor; 3. Observe the client’s functioning and reporting to the homecare supervisor; 4. Provide necessary […]

Senior Resources Information

COMMUNITY HOUSING & SENIOR RESOURCES: FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: TERESA MEDINA 630-943-3979 OR SANDRA DIAZ 773-571-0411. Click on the Senior Resources Information Title above for more details and all other information.  


在美华人办健在证? 来希林看看!  中国驻芝加哥总领事馆将于4月25日,开展进社区办证活动。为方便在美居住的中国离退休、退职年长侨胞办理 “健在证”, 将派出领馆工作人员前往位于 Blue Island的希林协会 ,现场协助长者办理。 健在确认表 活动具体时间、地点及安排如下: 4月25日(周三)  上午11时 至12时,希林协会(Blue Island) 耆老中心 地址:2530 S Blue Island Ave, Chicago, IL, 60608 联系人: 张经理 (Sueylee Chang) 电话: (312) 404-8502            希林提醒民众,请携带好填妥表格及相关证件前往。 (一)亲自申请: 1、填妥的《健在确认表》 一份。 2、申请人本人有效护照、美国合法居留证件和离退休证原件和复印件。             护照只复印个人资料页(含延期页)。 (二)委托申请:       1、2、 亲自申请材料及 3、代理人的有效护照、在美合法居留证件复印件。 4、申请人委托代理人办理健在证明的委托公证书。   5、连续3年委托他人或邮寄办理的,第4年应由申请人亲自到馆办理一次。   表格索取方式如下: 在线下载 办公点领取: 希林艺术学院(黄小姐)2352 S Wentworth Ave, Chicago, IL 60616