Xilin believes choosing the right school is important to a student’s future. That is why Xilin College Prep School provides tailored, comprehensive plans to each student throughout the course of their study abroad. The key to our successful program is that we communicate to students and parents in advance as well as throughout the study abroad program the plan we have in mind for each student based on their individual situation.

[Xilin’s international program is divided into the following sections:

Interview Process: Students and parents have the ability to learn more about Xilin’s study abroad program, understand a feasible study plan for a student and find the most suitable school for a student. We will assist students and parents with any paperwork for the application and provide guidance on the next steps.

Learning Habits: We will recommend studying tips and procedures based on individual learning styles and keep in touch with students throughout their study abroad period to make sure they are on track for success. We will also help students find host families.

College Preparation: We will assist students in registering for college prep courses for ACT/SAT/AP exams, provide counseling on college choices and contact colleges to schedule school visits.]

Studying abroad can help students gain confidence and experience that will help them smoothly transition into their top choice for college. The international study abroad program through Xilin provides opportunities and experiences to make students more well-rounded, cultured and educated people.

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